Failed to checkout V-Ray GUI license

What does it mean?
For whatever reason, your software is not able to connect to the Chaos license server to verify your details. If your software cannot find a valid licence, it will not let you render.

What should I do?

  1. Check you have the Online License Server (OLS) installed. This is usually installed as a part of the V-Ray software installation, but can also be downloaded from your Chaos account and installed individually. You can find the OLS by going to http://localhost:30304. If your web browser does not find a page, you need to install the OLS.
  2. Ensure Online Licensing is enabled in the OLS. You should have a green light at the top once you have signed in.
  3. If you see an orange or red light next to Online Licensing, please refer to the section below “V-Ray License Server – Online Licensing Not Working“.
  4. You must be signed in with the email address that holds your licence. If you are unsure what this is, it is usually the email address you used to place your order with us. If you are sure you’re using the correct email address already, it is worth signing out and back in again to see if that resolves the issue.

When signed in with the correct email address, you should be able to see the status of your licences in the OLS, whether they are ‘in use’ or ‘available’.

If you have tried the above, but are still unable to connect, it would be worth temporarily disabling any firewalls you may have on your computer or wider network to check that they aren’t blocking the connection.

V-Ray License Server – Online Licensing Not Working

When accessing the V-Ray Online License Server (OLS) at http://localhost:30304/, you will see an orange light next to ‘Online Licensing’ if it isn’t working correctly.

To fix this, first, check that the computer you are using is connected to the internet, and there are no firewalls blocking port 30304.
If you have used proxy settings, you can also reset these to their defaults by going to Settings > Reset to Defaults using the menu button at the top right of the OLS.

If online licensing is still not working, a clean install usually fixes the issue. To do this:


  1. Navigate to Applications –> ChaosGroup –> VRLService –> OLS –> uninstall. Doubleclick the Uninstall icon and enter your mac’s password (if required) and follow the instructions of the uninstall wizard.
  2. When the uninstall of the license server is complete, click on Finder again then on the menu at the top of the screen select Go –> Go to Folder. A popup window will appear. Type /Users/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/.ChaosGroup and press the Go button.
  3. Right click on the .ChaosGroup folder and select Move to Trash
  4. Download the latest license server:
  5. Ensure you install following these instructions:
  6. When the installation is finished open in your web browser “localhost:30304” and click on Enable Online licensing then login with your username. After that you should see your licenses listed on the page and be able to use V-Ray.


  1. Uninstall the V-Ray Online License Server from Control Panel > Add / Remove Programs
  2. Delete the folder C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\VRLService
  3. Go to the folder “C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup” and delete all files and folders except “vrlclient.xml”, which is needed.
  4. Download the latest license server:
  5. Ensure you install following these instructions:
  6. When the installation is finished open in your web browser “localhost:30304” and click on Enable Online licensing then login with your username. After that you should see your licenses listed on the page and be able to use V-Ray.

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